Divison Mission
For more information please visit our web
The mission of the Rotary Leadership Institute's Sunshine Division is to provide an up-to-date, practical, and user friendly educational opportunity in convenient locations for Rotarians identified as potential leaders by their club officers. Courses are given to foster leadership skills and Rotary knowledge with the intent to motivate the participant to be enthusiastic, creative and dedicated Rotarians.
AVAILABLE The way the
online version
of RLI will work
is each class of
Part 1, 2 & 3
are broken out
into individual
sessions. The
registrant does
not have to take
classes in
succession but
can pick and
choose classes
of their liking
to take.
complete RLI and
Graduate they
will have to
complete all
classes of each
Part. The cost of each
class is $15.00
that is payable
These classes
are open to all
in Georgia,
Florida and the
Islands, so the
discussion will
be very
interesting with
all the
aspects that
will be brought
to the class.
The Discuss
Leaders are from
the different
represented in
the Zone for
each class, so
lots a variety.
To sign up for
these classes,
pick the one you
want on the
Calendar and
click log in to
You will then be
sent to DACdb to
sign in and fill
out the
form and pay.
If you have
questions please contact:
RLI District
Chair - Shellie Smith
Rotary Club
Part One: The Rotarian
Your introduction to the RLI experience. Begin your day by meeting fellow Rotarians and your Rotarian Discussion Leaders. Emphasis is placed on providing an overview of Rotary programs and helping develop ideas that participants can take back to their Rotary Clubs. Courses include Object of Rotary, Rotary --- The Bigger Picture, Membership Retention, Rotary Opportunities, Ethics & Vocational Service, and Rotary Foundation I.
Part Two: The Rotary Club
The RLI journey continues, the depth of subject matter increases and focus is placed on fostering the qualities of a knowledgeable Rotarian by building on the basics learned in Part I. The day includes an individual analysis of your Rotary Club and its effectiveness. Courses include Analyzing Your Rotary Club, Leadership - Team Building, Strategic Planning, Service Projects, Membership Attraction, and Public Relations.
Part Three: The Rotary Journey
The final phase of RLI, courses become much more in-depth and detailed. Learn about opportunities available to you and your club through RI and how to best utilize them. Understand what it means to be a Rotarian and how you can use your RLI knowledge to better serve your club. Courses include Rotary History, International Service, Leadership; Effective Strategies, Rotary Foundation II, Communication Techniques, and Making a Difference.
For those who become RLI Graduates following successful completion of the three-part curriculum, Graduates can become RLI Discussion Leaders (by invitation only) and attend a series of RLI Graduate Courses which change from year to year. These courses typically are focused on one Rotary subject for the entire day and are comprehensive and detailed.
Discussion Leader Training:
Learning to introduce and present a session's purpose and to stimulate the exchange of knowledge and experiences with everyone having an opportunity to think and participate.