Welcome to Rotary
eClub One - do make-ups here.
eClub One is a real Rotary Club made up of real Rotarians.
It meets on-line to coordinate service projects and enjoy fellowship with
like-minded Rotarians.
Rotarians visiting eClub One for makeup credit should
follow this link
Makeup Programs to access exceptional programs. Detailed information
regarding the steps you'll need to follow can be found by using the Makeup
Programs pull down menu and accessing How to Make Up or by following this
How to Make Up.
A make-up requires a 30 minute visit.
Worldwide Membership - Worldwide
Members in Rotary eClub One are located in countries from
around the world. Members and Visitors contribute thousands of dollars per
year toward projects both in localities where members reside, and in other
countries where help is needed.
Weekly Meetings
Rotary eClub One members have regular fellowship through
weekly meetings and other postings in the Members Only Fellowship
Forums. As in any Rotary club, they discuss club business, present
ideas, share interests, and talk about issues that are important to the
club and its members.