The Rotary Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization qualified to accept
tax deductible contributions to both its Annual Fund and its Permanent
Fund. Current and deferred contributions to the Rotary Foundation
are recognized in many ways beginning with the Paul Harris Fellow which
recognizes contributions totaling $1,000. Sustaining members contribute
$100.00 annually and Paul Harris Society Members contribute $1,000
annually. Major Donors have made contributions of $10,000. Benefactors
of the Foundation have committed $1000 from their estate while Bequest
Society members consists of those who have included TRF in their estate
plan or will at a $10,000 level.
funds received by the Rotary Foundation enable the many programs
executed by Rotarians including scholarships and grants. RI is one of the world's most
effective and efficient funding mechanisms for executing projects in
service to humanity around the world through a process called Global
Grants. A Rotary Club or District (close to the reality and practical
solutions) in a less developed country and a club or district in a more
affluent country find each other and implement a project. Our District
6920 projects have installed and/or repaired wells where there was no safe
drinking water, have provided training resources to teach indigenous
health promoters to return to their mountain villages to instill more
healthy practices, has provided thousands of desks for children whose
students previously sat on the ground, provided sewing machines to create
micro-businesses, provided 3-wheeled vehicles to assist polio victims with
transportation, and many other life changing projects. These Global
Grants match club funds with district funds and TRF funds.